Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day!

*ahem*  Did I say I was going to post an entry everyday?  Oh I did?  I'm sorry!  I'm bad like that!!  I'm trying I really am!

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mother and sisters.  We are really missing Grandma these days!  Just trying to take it one day at a time, but today has been especially hard on us.

I woke up to hugs and kisses from my little ones.  Daddy had breakfast going and I was treated to almost breakfast in bed.  I say "almost", because Cutter wanted to eat with me and I was not about to let him eat in our bed, so we moved to the table, where breakfast is supposed to be eaten anyway.  I've had a good day so far.  Cutter is into saying "I love you too", so I am getting lots of those today and extra special hugs and kisses.  Gracie is, oh so close, to crawling, so I'm hoping with a little more time on the floor she might be moving and shaking soon!

Hope everyone out there has a very special mothers day!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This weekend we went to Cove to help my mom clean out Grandma's house.
Cutter and Gracie spent the day with their Aunt Kelly, Uncle Darrell and cousin Hope.  
It looks like they had a great time, don't ya think.  
Then they headed over to my Grandma Homan's house and we picked them up there!
After an emotional day of cleaning it was good to see my babies again and they were just as happy to see us too...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Whew, where have we been??

The Nix Team is still doing well and hanging in there...

April proved to be a very difficult month for us.  It didn't start out on the best foot.

On March 30, my beloved Grandmother, aka Oma, passed away suddenly from complications from her open heart surgery.  I adored her so much.  She is very missed.  Cutter asks almost daily about Oma.  He knows who she is, but my heart breaks to know that Gracie won't have the memories that Cutter has.  I'm sad to say that I don't have ONE picture of them together.  Since Gracie was born, she had not been feeling well and traveling to see us was out of the question.  We did get them together a few times, she loved all her great-grands more than anything in this world.  She was so proud of each and everyone of them.  She will forever be in our hearts.  We couldn't ask for a better angel watching over our little ones.  I know she is dancing the jitter-bug with Grandpa and getting lots of hugs from Uncle Dennis.  I hope she puts in a good word or two for us, I can't wait to see her smile again.

On April 23, I participated in the Relay For Life event in Wylie and I can honestly say that it was one of the most emotional events I've been to.  Grandma was planning on attending the Survivor dinner and walking the survivor lap.  To see all those other survivors out there, brought tears to my eyes.  I was looking forward to having her out there and being there with me.  I did the Relay For Life for all the cancer survivors out there.  I hope that my kids and grandkids don't have to know what cancer is.  I hope that in my life time there will be a cure for cancer!
Cutter asks about his Oma ALL the time, I took him to the viewing and he just stared and stared at her.  He repeatedly wanted to go see her.  He kept saying Oma sleeping and I would tell him Oma is sleeping forever here, but dancing forever in Heaven.  On several occasions since the funeral, he has asked about her, wanted to talk to her, and even actually called her on his cell phone.  She loved him so much, he had just recently been given the nickname "Snookie" because Emilee said she was no longer Oma's Snookie, Cutter was.  So she started calling him that.  Before Grandma had her open heart surgery I had just started potty training Cutter and she was so proud that he was doing so well.
I love and miss her so much.

We will be back to our regularly scheduled blog starting May 1st, so please come back and visit again!!  :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

7 almost 8(!) Months

Are you kidding me? Has it really been SEVEN months since my beautiful little brown haired baby was welcomed into this world!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Excuses! Excuses!

I am FULL of them!!

All I can say is I've taken very few pictures, had plans to upload them (the few I had) on my overnight (my 1st in 3 weeks) and I can't find my cord!!! errrrrrr.....

I have been enjoying time off with my babes.  We recently went to Houston to help celebrate Abbey's 3rd (!) birthday and I forgot my camera so we have no pictures of us there!!  :(

Gracie and I both came down with the stomach bug and then she came down with some type of cold.  All those things combined with a few other things out of my control have led me to be off for 3 weeks!!  :)

Although, I have enjoyed my time off with them, it is time to get back to a normal routine (I hope, for Cutter's sake) and work 3 days a week!

I want to make a commitment to blogging regularly, but I just can't.....yet!!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


We've been super busy!  So busy that I haven't worked much, which means no free time to blog!
On Monday, Gracie got the stomach bug.  

On Tuesday, I got the stomach bug.  We slept ALL day Tuesday!  

I didn't go to work, we just knew Cutter was next to get it.  

Wednesday came and went.  Cutter and Greg seems to have missed getting it!  Thank God for that!!

Thursday, Greg went out of town.  

On Friday, Greg and I took advantage of Parent Night Out at our sitters house and treated ourselves to a dinner and movie.  The movie?  Valentines Day!  Greg and I totally recommend it!

Saturday consisted of having a garage sale from 8-2 and then meeting up with some of our awesome Canadian family!  Aunt Bette was in town, I would like to think just to meet Gracie, but I think she had other plans too!! ;)  

Today, I took Grandma Mac to Hillsboro to meet Mom.  Here I sit at 8pm on Sunday, sitting down for the first time all weekend!  I'm exhausted, I need another weekend!!  :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sitting up!

Gracie is offically a sitter!  Before long she will be a crawler and then a walker...
...and will be chasing this lil (big) guy around!!
He is such a big helper.  I had been rooting Gracie on to roll, so I would sing "Rolling, rolling, rolling" and Cutter was right behind me singing the same thing.  Now, he loves to help her sit up!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


This is love!  I can't tell you guys enough how much he loves this little girl!  I hope it continues...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Reality Check

While I was stranded yesterday in the Albuquerque, I ventured around to see what there was to snack on.  I also noticed three men in their Firefighter formal dress shirts with ties.  They looked lost, worried, and in a hurry, like they wanted to get somewhere fast.  I heard them stop and ask a fellow co-worker where a certain gate was, she answered and they continued searching.  They intrigued me, maybe because I have 2 cousins that risk their lives everyday, so they stood out to me.  As I waited to get down the jetway to get on my plane, the three found their way over to the gate I was at, they walked up and asked to speak with the Captain of our flight.  He obliged, shook their hands and then I heard something that shook me to the core, that gave me the biggest reality check ever. 

"We are carrying our friend, a fallen Firefighter, home to his family."

I cried.  (I'm crying)

That man was a son, a brother, a husband, a uncle, a grandson, a father.  In this life, his family will never get to hug him or kiss him again.

I try not to let the small things bother me, go with the flow, but yesterday was an exception.  I wanted to be home with Cutter, I wanted to be here to experience the snow with him.  But when I heard those words, I realized that I was sweating the small stuff. I get to go home to hug and kiss on my babies.  The mother of that fallen firefighter won't.

That breaks my heart. 


Yesterday, while I worked, it snowed!
It started on my way to work (at 4:30 am) and by the time I got home (16 hours later) we had 8 1/2 inches!  It continued into the wee morning hours...
...and had just enough for Daddy to make this AWESOME snowman...
...with Cutter and Gracie's help, of course!
I just love days like this...
...and babes that look like this!!
Cheers to DEFROSTING!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy girl..

I'm enjoying the last few days of this girl laying still!  She is, oh so close, to rolling over and then there is no stopping her!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Remember this handsome boy when he goes All-Pro in any sport he chooses! 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Last week the "Most Eligible Bachelor"...

ate ALL these Veggies!*

I'd say that one day, that girl is going to be pretty lucky to have a man that eats his veggies!!

*Note - we normally don't have a problem getting Cutter to eat his veggies! This night just stood out because he wanted to finish off the bowl of brocolli, cauliflower and carrots!! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sleepy Girl!

You know your girl is sleepy when she falls asleep in the jumper, funny thing was she had just woken up from a nap!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tank Park

Good thing I don't blog for a living, otherwise, I would be fired!  I'm trying hard to keep up, but days pass and I just don't get a chance to sit down and type up a blog post.  For some reason I think it may be easier to keep up with once I get back into my normal work routine.  I feel guilty about getting on line with the kids awake and, truth be told, Cutter doesn't really allow me to be on the computer.  I don't blame him, he wants his momma to play with him, so I oblige and don't get on the computer much.  Once I get the kids to bed, all I really want to do it curl up on the couch with Greg and watch one of our shows and before you know it, it's time for bed.  Then I get up and do it all over again!  I'm not complaining, though, I love being a mommy and wouldn't trade it for anything.     

On Friday, we went to a local park for some outdoor fun! We needed some vitamin D baby! Being locked up in the house can take a toll on you! Stephanie and Wyatt joined us, Wyatt and Cutter play so well together that we enjoy getting them out when the weather is nice.

At the park they had an old Army tank and the boys really enjoyed climbing up and down the ladder.  We had a hard time getting them to stop and pose for us, but alas they did and they looked super cute posing for us.

Cutter is really into posing these days.  All I have to do is say "Cheeese" and he will stop and smile (or stick his tounge out) for me!
The weather was just perfect for our boys to be outside to burn off some engery.  It was a little windy, so I borrowed Cutter's beanie for Gracie to wear.  She looked super cute and I think she even looks a tad bit like Cutter. 

She hung out in the sling for awhile, but that little girl is getting so big and my back started to hurt.  So I placed her on a blanket and let her enjoy the fresh air!

Cutter enjoyed the slide, swing and playing with a Thomas the Train ball.  We stayed about an hour before we decided to head home, then we had two unhappy little boys!  They quickly cheered up when we told them when they got home they could have popcicle!

We are already planning a trip back to the "tank park" as soon as the weather warms up again!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back to work...

This is going to be a stream of consciousness type post.  I got the idea from MckMama.

I'm back at work, returned on Saturday.  I left both my babes for the first time in a long time.  I cried the whole time I was driving, hoping the tears would dry up before I got to work.  They did, but soon returned when I called Greg at 6:30 to check to see if Gracie was awake.  She wasn't, but Cutter was and he talked to me, said "Momma, home?", I told him bye and that I loved him and Greg said he kissed the phone.  I just bawled like a baby.  He is more aware now than he was when I returned to work after he was born. 

I miss them.  I miss holding them. I miss rocking them.  I miss reading C a bedtime story and his all time favorite "sing Dwinkle".  He loves when I sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and rub his hair.  Oh man I miss them! 

Tomorrow Gracie will go to the sitters for the first time.  We went on Friday to visit and she seemed happy to be there.  Cutter was shy for a minute, then opened up and was his usual happy self.  I'm sure he will have fun playing with the other kids and I am almost positive that he will make sure Gracie is happy.  That little boy loves his sister and he doesn't like to see or hear his sister cry.  I miss them.

I talked to Cutter 3 times today, he does good talking on the phone with me.  I can almost always tell what he is trying to tell me.  His vocabulary is growing more and more everyday, before I know it, I am going to be carrying on conversations with him. 

I just got off the phone with Greg, I asked how bed time went.  He said that Cutter kept going to our room, he wanted to sleep in our bed.  He has never gone to "bed" in our bed.  He might end up in our bed, but he never gone to "bed" in our bed.  Greg said that he kept patting the bed, asking for milk and wanted to watch Mickey.  This puzzles me.  Greg ended up rocking him to sleep.  I know he doesn't understand why I'm not there.  It makes me sad.  I want to be there...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hop up, Jump in!

We had a fun filled day at Pump it Up, Jr - Handy Manny style!!

He loved it and I loved the fact that I didn't have to clean my house!!

Can you say AWESOME cake?!?! And it was YUMMY!!

  Lots of FUN was had by all!

*I am extremely tired!  We had a busy weekend packed with lots of family and more Christmas.  C crashed and burned last night and tonight at bed time, so I know he played hard and had a great time.  I'll post more later...*

Friday, January 8, 2010


We've had company since Tuesday and I am lovin' it! 

We are having a blast!  Check back in later!!:)

Thursday, January 7, 2010


What do you think?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Today Gracie turns FIVE months old!  Where did the time go?  I will soon be returning to work, returning to leaving my kids 2 nights a week - I am NOT looking forward to it. 

I find this time going by much faster than it did with Cutter.  I'm sure it is because I don't have time to sit and wait for her to roll over or to wonder if she is meeting the specified milestones, I simply don't worry about it.  She's fine, she's happy and I know that she isn't going to go off to kindergarden NOT rolling over.  For now, I'm enjoying her just sitting there listening to her belly laugh at Cutter and smiling at Momma and Daddy. 

I love this girl more than words can say!  I can't stress enough how much Cutter loves her and she loves him.  It is a bond I will never know.  I know the love of sisters and I know the love/bond that they have for each other overwhelms me.  Cutter is very protective and doesn't let many people get close to her.  He kisses her goodnight, everynight!  He "tickles, tickles" her, he holds her, he feeds her, he tries to burps her, he covers her up, he gives her her paci, and he takes care of her.  He is her big brother and don't anyone forget that, I sure won't let him. 

Gracie is such a happy baby, I have been blessed beyond my dreams.  Most nights she sleep from 730 pm to 530 am <-----that makes me extremely happy!!  She is consistantly eating 7 oz at every feedings and has tried peas, greenbeans, sweet potatoes and carrots.  All were loved by her and Cutter!

I love her giggles, I love her smiles, I love her smells, I love her cheeks, I love her peach fuzz hair (yes, most of her hair has fallen out) and I have absolutely fallen in love with this girl!