You are amazing, you amaze me more and more everyday! I didn't think I could love someone as much as I love you. When I look into your beautiful blue eyes, I see the innocence that I don't want to go away, I see the want to learn new things, I see the Mommy and Daddy in you and I see the Cutter that we all have fallen in love with. You are absolutely perfect in every way.
Here is more about you...
As of April 29, 2008 you are 27 1/2 inches (95 percentile) tall and 16.4 pounds (75 percentile). You are a BIG BIG boy and we love every inch of you.
This month you have learned so many new things.
You are officially grabbing for things, such as your toys, mommy's hair, mommy's food, daddy's glasses, and daddy's attention. If Daddy does not come over to you and say "HI" the minute he walks in, you make it known that he has forgotten and that he better get over to you NOW! You know when he is supposed to be home and when he is not. Your clock is right on time!

You love your Daddy!
You love to be outside, you love to feel the breeze on your face and you look super cute with your baseball hat and sunglasses on.

You are growing more and more everyday and I am just so amazed at how fast it is going. It seems like it took forever for you to get here, now time is going by to fast. I love more today then yesterday and more tomorrow than today! Keep growing my precious one!
Love, Mommy
On a more serious note, when we took Cutter for his 4 month check-up his pediatrician referred us to Cranial Technologies . She said that Cutter was right on the cusp of needing to be banded.
We have an appointment on Tuesday and they will do a consultation and do some measurements of his head. Most of the time this affects baby's with BIG heads, which Cutter has. There are two spots that she is concerned with one on the right side and the second on the back of his head. She said that his ears are protruding more at this visit then his last - a sign that he has Brachycephaly. I have talked to several moms that go to Cutter's Gymboree class and they have made me feel much better. They say that the child doesn't even know the difference and that most children only need to wear the band for 6-12 weeks. Since Cutters severity isn't that bad we may be on the shorter end of the time period. We will have more info after Tuesday consultation.
Until then the Pediatrician prescribed lots of tummy time - 1 hours worth a day! Cutter absolutely hates the idea of being on his tummy, although he has gotten better lately. I will update more after our appointment next Tuesday.
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