I have been slacking on posting pictures lately and for that - I'm sorry! For some reason the baby that is growing in my belly is taking all my creative juices away from me.
And for the much awaited Birthday Pictures....
We had a great time, I can't believe our little monkey is already one! He wasn't quite sure what to think about all the people there to see him.

The theme was rather fitting, Cutter has been climbing, hanging and just monkeying around lately.

Cutter enjoyed opening all his gifts. He had lots of practice, since he was doing the same thing just 2 days earlier. He was more interested in playing with the paper, hey it makes noise, so why not!

Despite the look of the picture above, his hand is NOT touching the candle. He wanted too, but I made sure he stayed away.
Cutter was not so sure about getting all dirty with the cake. He took it easy and just used his hands to get dirty. I guess I taught him well not to play in his food. Little did he know, it was ok this time.
Overall it was a great day spent with lots of family and friends. Thank you to everyone who came and spent this special day with our little Monkey!!