Sunday, November 30, 2008
Star Topper!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Learning to walk?
Friday, November 28, 2008
All by himself!
I want that!
I put the food on the fork and he puts the fork right into his mouth, without even missing the target! No mommy! NO MORE PICTURES!!
See I can do this myself!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Problem solver or Dog watcher?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Corn on the COB!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A BOX of fun!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Laugh Out Loud!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
With those kind of hints - who wouldn't come back for more! I know ya do, so check back tomorrow night and see what Cutter has been up too!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Broken :(
What am I going to do? I loved that thing!
I am working on Greg's work laptop write now, but he doesn't bring it home during the week. I am going to take mine to the laptop vets tomorrow and see if it is worth saving, if not, it may not be until after Christmas when I get a new one. I know that it is nothing serious, it has to do with the power to the laptop, so hopefully (keep your fingers crossed) it won't take much to fix.
My dino has been through it all and has visited almost every airport/hotel in the United States. Computers age like dogs, every year is really 7 years, and I have had mine for almost 7 years! So that makes mine going on 49 years! YIKES, thats old for a computer. I haven't been in a complete hurry to get a new one, because truthfully, this one has done what I needed to do - get on the internet, trade trips for work and load pictures.
My point in posting that I am laptopless is that I may not get to post very often and if I do post there may not be any pictures. Tomorrow after I take the dino to laptop vets, I'll know more!
Until then I am going to go cry into my pillow!!
Oh and today was my birthday, so happy birthday to me! Today you became laptopless! :( But, I did get breakfast in bed, delivered by my lil man with the help of my big man!! :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Pumpkin Patch, Take 2!

My Lil' Silly Spider!
We were invited to a Mom2Mom group by Lil O's Mom! We had a great time. Several moms took advantage of a mom with a wonderful camera and very good talent! Cutter wasn't in the best of moods, but she did a great job with what she had to work with! Thanks Kathy!

Shoo, are you tired yet, from our fun filled day? Well it ain't over yet! No time to nap at home, so it is cat naps in the car! (And I expect a half way decent kid to go trick or treating, what am I thinking!!)
Well, those cat naps worked, cause once we got home I had a totally different boy than what I had at the play date! This boy totally hammed it up for camera - with his costume and hat on! Enjoy these pictures, I couldn't pick which one I wanted to post so I just decided to post them all!!Cutter loved going trick-or-treating. He hit up about 3 houses, before Mommy called it quits. Mommy felt a little funny getting candy for a baby who couldn't even eat it!
So after a few houses, we were back at our house helping Daddy hand out candy. We got lots of oooo's and awwww's at how cute Cutter looked in his costume! I would agree with them 110%.
Finally, we were back in the house and Cutter loved, loved checking out all the loot he got! Actually he only got about 6 pieces, but he knew exactly what to do with those 6 pieces. Put. It. Right. In. His. Mouth. And I didn't even get a chance to check it, good thing he didn't get to "eat" it!!
Happy Halloween!