My little pumpkin is getting so big. This month you have learned so many new things.
We started going to Gymboree classes and you absolutly love it! The bright colors of the gym and the songs we sing make you smile everytime. The only thing we need to work on is tummy time, you tend not to like that. Daddy joined us one Saturday and you did a good job of showing off for him.
You are finally sleeping through the night and by through the night I mean from 8 pm til 7:30 am and I am totally stoked!! It only took you about 2 weeks to get used to the routine and it finally work.
You have really taken a liking to your bathtime!

This month you found your hands!! You try and eat your fist almost daily, you haven't taken a liking to pacifers! I have tried almost every kind out there and nothing suits your fancy. O'well, I guess that is one less thing I have to take away later.

We also took a long road trip to Houston and you were a trooper. As long as you were fed and had clean pants, you were happy.
You still have your beautiful blue eyes! I'm still not convinced they will stay, but I am taking advantage and taking lots of pics of them.

You had your first real holiday, Easter! Would it be Easter without a Baseball Easter basket? (Thanks to Aunt Brenda for the basket)

You did a great job helping dye the eggs with Daddy and Mommy! Although, I think Daddy was more excited then you.

And I know Daddy was way more excited than you about the candy in the eggs! Just wait til next year, he will have some competition.

Until next month - keep growing, sleeping and being just as cute as can be!
Lots of hugs and kisses!
Love, Mommy