My beautiful baby boy. You are growing like a weed. Everyday I look at you and I am amazed that you are mine, that I am a Mommy. The day you smiled at me it melted my heart and I hope I never forget how that felt. There is nothing like the love of a mother and her son.
You were a trooper today at your doctors appointment. You only cried for a few minutes after your shots. You are 12 lbs 15 oz and 22 1/2 inches long. You are in the 75% for weight and 50% for height. You are as healthy as I could hope for!
If you keep growing like you are, I am going to have a football player on my hands, rather than a baseball player. You have your Daddy's head and it is a big one! That's ok, it needs to be that big to hold all those smart genes.

You stare so intently at ceiling fans. One of these days you might see that they actually move, you will really be amazed then. Right now you are content to just looking at them.

The funny faces you are making are so funny. I love to just look at you and smile and most of the time you will smile back at me. Your cheeks are so yummy too. I try to nibble on them every now and then because one day you are not going let me! :)

I love your beautiful blue eyes. I am trying to admire them now because I am not so sure they are going to last forever. Your Papa Homan has blue eyes, so we can only cross our fingers that they will stay that way.

You really like going outside. Today we went to visit your BFF Wyatt and you two seem to understand alot more than we thought. You two were just talking away to each other. It was fun to watch and know that you two are going to be the best of friends.

You two were pretty patient until the end of the photo shoot and then we got these kind of photos....

and then you were fast asleep once we got done! More photos for the yearbook!

Keep growing! I love you more than words can say!
Love, Mommy