wow! has it really been almost two weeks since my last post?! It seems like yesterday! Just to let you all know, I'm really only able to post when I'm on an overnight. Since we live in the boonies, we can't get "real" high speed internet and it takes fooooorrrrreeeevvveeeeerrrr to load a picture or video, so I have to wait till I get to a hotel to make my posts!
We've had a great two weeks! Greg is working some contract work and will be till August 5, so I took off the last two weeks to stay home with the babes and I can tell you that I am so ready to be a Part-time SAHM again.
Last week Cutter had his first real dentist appointment and he did sooooo well. I was very impressed with how well he did. I've done well prepping him with these things in the past and he seems to do well with the idea, even if he says he doesn't wants to do it, after we get there he is willing and complacent.
While we waited Cutter got to play a video game, he didn't know what it was! Poor little guy is probably the only 3 1/2 year old out there that doesn't know what a Wii or video game is, but he had fun playing!
and we took the obligatory self portraits! He was all smiles before we were called back!
He climbed up in that chair like the big boy I knew he was! The smiles didn't last long, soon he was unsure of what was happening, but his hygienist filled him in on everything she was doing and he seems to relax just a bit!
His favorite part by far was the spit sucker! He loved it and asked if he could take it home!
After his teeth were all clean and fluoride in place, we were off to get x-rays done! And the little guy did so well with everything she asked him to do, she gave him TWO toys!!
Can you believe he did sooo well? I can, I knew he could do it, but I was quite surprised that it was this easy!
After his dentist appointment, with his new toy-sword in hand, we made our way back home to get Gracie!
We had one more BIG thing on our agenda for the day! Remember when Cutter thought he had found the picnic table of his dreams and Greg and I decided to try our hand at
Well...Cutter knocked out his countdown with just a few glitches and within 2 weeks he earned that special picnic table, but when it came right down too it, he decided he's thought he had earned a Cars guitar instead!
This little guy is a NATURAL...from holding it to strumming it, he's great at it!
This is music to my ears! I hope he grows up with an ear for music, if he does I'll love listening to him play!